Sunday, July 8, 2012

What's A Life Worth?

Do you ever wonder what your life is worth? What value you have as a human being on Planet Earth?

Today I went with a friend to the $2 movie theater to see "The Lucky One".  Maybe the movie is what triggered this path of thought, maybe not.
I can't say I've been the lucky one when it came to finding that kind of love, the kind that they write love songs about. No, that part of my life is more like a bad country song, but I'm not asking for sympathy or pity, for I have experienced love. The love of family, the love of friendship, the love of a child.
There are other kinds of love, too. For me, it's the love of a great novel, music that sings to my heart, standing in the middle of a grove of ancient sequoias, a painting, laughing till tears spring from my eyes, the smell of fresh baked cinammon buns like my mom used to make. Oh yes, my love list is long and I hope it will continue to grow the longer I exist.

I decided to walk around my house and take a few pictures of the inanimate objects that I call my treasures. These treasures have minimal value to very few, if any, people besides myself.  Doesn't matter, I'm going to share them anyway since this is my blog. [grins]

This is the house that ate all my money, but I love it anyway. It's still a work in progress and I may never finish it to my satifaction, but what

My dad painted this still life. It graces one of my dining room walls. Although, Dad is gone now, I have this and a few others to remember that he existed and lived a life.

A simple kitchen that I created. I can't seem to keep the clutter off the counter, but this room suits me.

The wood still needs to be stained, as does a lot of wood in my home,
but I like the view to the backyard and the golf course across the street

This house was completed in 1926.  It has more history than I do, but the walls refuse to talk. I hope to one day have a mantle and cabinetry built into the east wall that will do this old place proud.
The two stained glass windows are original and I promise that there are no horrors similar to Amityville
taking place, not even a hint of a ghost.

The next few pictures will prove my love of books.
It will also prove why I want floor to ceiling bookshelves built around the fireplace in my cave.

Until I get more shelving, I'm sticking to audiobooks. Amazing how many I can fit on my iphone! 
Sometimes I wonder if books like this won't exist anymore.  Everything has gone to electronic format these days.  Maybe even libraries will fade into history?  When I was young, I loved my trips to the library to choose a new book to read.  Those trips saved a lonely girl and allowed her to live vicariously through stories of adventure, love and loss, heroes and heroines.
Here are just a few of my smaller treasures. Gifts given to me by lost loves, old friends, and family.
Some things bought, some found, and some made by hand.
These Objet d'Art are priceless to me, because each has a story and memories of someone I love.

None of these things prove my value as a human being.
They are just pieces of what makes me an individual,
someone that existed for a few moments in time.

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