Monday, October 11, 2010

Morning Miracle

Awaken the dawn
first break of day.
Vivid hues hasten
ebon darkness away.

Golden Sun ascends
into an eastern sky,
chases after the Moon,
a silver maiden grown shy.

Standing still, watching,
I'm silenced by awe.
This morning miracle shimmers
orange, a radiant round ball.

I raise camera's lens,
focus, then pray
I'll capture the vision
bedazzled eyes witness today.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Autumn Prayer

Before I close weary eyes to sleep,
At life's photos I chance to peek
one picture captured, an icy view,
The mind conjures shivers, fingers turning blue.
A final shudder, then skyward I say...
Happy dreams spin my darkest hours away,
I pray Autumn lingers, keeping Winter at bay.

~ Diana 2010 ~