Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Diabolical Plot

1:00 p.m. - Driving in my car gives me plenty of time to think. One thought that keeps returning, like a bad penny, is my suspicion that the Whippets have concocted an insidious plot to drive me insane. A plan that once crazy as a loon, I won't be able to handle my job and will have to stay home with them, forever.

Further proof of their conspiracy:

4:00 p.m. - Arrive home after drs. appt. - I am met by 3 dogs, ecstatic to see me. No proof of their deception evident.

5:00 p.m. - Walk down to basement to feed the dogs, see the large dog blanket has been dragged to the door where it lies in a wad, sopping up all the rain that fell earlier today and has been oozing in. Yuck! Hang blanket to dry out.

5:10 p.m. - Discover the brand new $50 flap on the dog door has been chewed, though not destroyed , which only drives me to rant a few decibles louder than normal, but probably elevates my blood pressure again. This only hours after the doc telling me that the pills worked and bp = normal!

I do see a method to their madness...why not be comfortable on a blankie while we sample the tasty doggy door?!? mmm-hmmmm.
I spend time rearranging the dog room hoping to prevent further mastication of the plastic egress.

Meanwhile, the perps stand quietly by watching my futile attempt to outwit them.

7:00 p.m. - I call my dog friend, Chris, to garner some sympathy, explaining my recent woe. I just happen to glance out the kitchen window towards the north fence and notice something out of the ordinary.  Hanging up quickly, I'm out the back door and there before my unbelieving eyes, a gap in the middle of the fence, large enough that a dog could stroll casually through.  A panel piece has been knocked out and is laying in my neighbor's yard. My pounding heart threatens to attack.

Running up behind me arrive the 2 culprits and Fyre, all three flash gleaming, toothsome grins that seem a little more than sinister, but my heart does return to a more docile state.
I ask them, "How did this happen? How did that piece get knocked out?!?!?!" All three remain standing motionless, attempting to look innocent, but their lips are sealed.

I attempt every which way to force the white vinyl piece back into place, to no avail.  I finally wedge it partially in and put two large rocks in front of that section, making a mental note to call the fence co. first thing in the morning.

7:30 p.m. - Worried about the fence section, I once again look out a window and to my utter dismay, my heart dog, the "do no wrong" Aussie, Fyre, is lying next to "that" section of fence gazing up intently into the Mulberry tree that grows beside it. My heart sinks with the realization that he must be in cahoots and has joined forces with the Whippets and their evil plot.

7:35 p.m. - While I stand in the Library gazing out at my companion of 9 years, the icy sting of betrayal needles its way through my veins towards a still beating heart.
I sigh and continue to watch as Socks rushes over to Fyre and then she too, is gazing up at the tree. That is when I notice another familiar sight, Mr. Squirrel. A light flips on in my brain. Of course, he's got to be the Mastermind behind the whole ploy to bring me to my knees!
He must've chittered terms of endearment at his buddy, Fyre, encouraging him to use his massive SuperDog strength to hit the fence hard enough to knock out that section of fence.

It's diabolic and bigger than I imagined! Betrayal is replaced by dread. What horrible event will I face next??? Am I strong enough to withstand the mental strain?

8:00 p.m. - I decide on a temporary plan to foil another attempt by the 4 Fur Friends of the "Diabolical Scheme".
Tomorrow, I will make the dogs spend the day locked up in their room while I toil at my job, trying not to let my imagination run rampant worrying about what I will find when I arrive home.
Now I must rest, only sleep can restore my strength and unfray my tattered nerves.