Thursday, February 16, 2012

Two of my poems have been published!


Ok, so truth be told, my brother is one of the owners of The Chocolate Eclectic Publishing Group. But honestly, he's a tough critic, so I'm glad I was able to get two past him.
I'm hoping to make the next book signing party in Nashville, TN in March. It will be a quick trip since I'll have to drive down and back over a 3 day weekend.

I have so much that needs to be put down in words. Now to figure out what I am willing to give up in order to make more time to write. Sleep or World of Warcraft???

I think WOW and Facebook are an addiction that have sucked up thousands of hours of my life. Instead I should be using that time more wisely creating items of beauty. Works that bring me satisfaction of life.

Drats, how time dost fly! I needs must to bed for the morrow comes early and away to work I must go, whilst others remain toasty under blankets of down. Alas, if only I had found a more pleasurable way to have made my living. Instead, I trek across the hills and vales of Eastern Kansas in the wee hours before dawn to eek out my existance.