Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Excellent Video and Bit of Blogery!

First off, I want to say my world view is skewed from so many Americans that have never lived outside the good 'ol US of A.
I spent 2 years of my life in Kuwait, vacationed in Tehran, Iran, and met many Muslim people that were nothing but kind to me and my family.  The only time I remember being threatened was by a group of Bedouin women that saw me outside in my shorts and tank top. They stopped to shake their fists and scold me in a dialect I didn't speak. 
On the other hand, I felt sorry for them in their black burqas and thought they must be frying in the 100+ degree afternoon sun, but I never felt as if my life were at stake. 

I just want to say that my heart aches when I think that a select group of Islamic Terrorists, certain American Religious Zealots and the Political Power Players are causing my Fellow Country Men and Women to lose their basic common sense and forget the reason behind the U.S.'s greatness....OUR FREEDOMS. 

Keith says it a lot better than I can....

Keith Olbermann speaks out

And then there is this blog...even the comments that follow are interesting.

Ground Non-Zero, Non-Mosque and Evangelical Nonsense

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out Cold?

While I was wiring up the new internet service, I turned around to find my assistant had died of boredom.
The camera I had on hand was my iPhone. I was chatting with my California friend, Deanna, while doing the installationl, turned and told her to hold on, had to capture my nutty dog as proof a Whippet can be relaxed.
No drugs were used. No animals were harmed.

I love this dog! Everyday he makes me laugh! If I want Fyre and Abby to come in the house, I tell Perry to go get them. You'd have to see it with your own eyes! He's out like a flash, passes the word, then hurries them along. Who's the real herding dog here???
You can read his body language, "Hurry Guys, Mom says you can come in and hang out. Hurry! Hurry! Before she changes her mind or leaves for work!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Despicable Me

I went with my friend, Lori, aka Nana, and two of her three grandchildren to see this movie today. I'm giving this movie two thumbs up. Not only was the story entertaining with a heart-warming ending, but the characters' voices were perfect and the graphics....Spot On!

Lots of funny scenes throughout the viewing to tickle our funny bones and cause us to laugh out loud.  Although a long movie by children's standards, the 2 hours flew by!

For those of you worried that it will scare the kids, fear not. Nana's grandkids, a boy and girl, 1st grade and Kindergarten age, assured us that the movie was not scary...AT ALL!