Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I want to thank my brother, John, for his editing suggestions. They made my poem...PERFECT!

Monday, March 7, 2011

What to do?

What to do when you hate your job?
The career you chose turns out all wrong,
but a six-figure income pays all your debt.
Woe the fate of frightened rat,
Foot caught tight, a financial trap.
What to do when life’s like that?

What to do when you want to run?
How to change what you’ve become,
seeming to unravel, thoroughly undone?

Know that time waits for no one.
Feeling your soul shrivel, and yet, not die.
What to do when your world makes you cry? 

What to do for some inner peace?
Halt the madness, what do you really seek?
What you want isn’t something you can buy,
money doesn’t make happiness thrive.
Your life is about choices, it’s not set in stone.
What to do is up to you alone.

© Keltic Di 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Last night's project

The Toast
Here's to us, my fair Lassies.
Let us raise our fine glasses,
hear the clinks of cut crystal
and once more tip that bottle.
Taste the wine as it passes
o'er tongues that still thirst.
To the floor, I beg, give the toast first,
Be soft, as a down-feathered mattress,
should we all drink too much and fall on our asses.

© Diana ‘11

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Last Frontier

This poem is dedicated to Kitsy Seveland, who if not for her, I'd have missed out on the adventure of a lifetime....in Alaska!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today, I discovered the "Genius"

This morning, my cousin, an artist, sent me a link to a video about creativity and "genius".  I think I have felt this concept in the past but had never coined a precise word.
This was my email response to my cousin...
Thanks for that link today. My 1st thought was that I need to give Julia Roberts kudos for her portrayal of Liz in "Eat, Pray, Love".  I think she nailed Liz's persona to a tee.
After listening to Liz's theory on creativity, I decided that my "genius" took a vacation while I have gone to work at a much more mundane "real life" job and put my writing on hold. Oh the torture of having to make a living, instead of living my life through my creativity!
And yet, the madness creeps in and I question my sanity.
So dear cousin, continue your works of art, because you can. I promise I shall not envy you, even though your "genius" is with you in your studio.

In the light, ~Diana~
p.s. - if you happen to stumble across my "genius",  please tell her I miss her and to come home, that I wait for her.
My cousin responded that my "Genius" was never that far away and all I had to do was call out to her.  She was absolutely right. Tonight inspiration was in abundance and the words tumbled into my mind from my little "Genius".
and even later, I was asked to explain what I meant by the word "Genius".  So into words, here is what I believe.....
There's an ancient belief that all creativity is a gift from beyond, an inspiration from the gods or God (depending on your viewpoint), that we are able, for a moment in time, to touch the divine...a "genius", that must be shared with humanity.
This "genius" is seperate from our mortal being, its presence whispers in our ears, the words, the music, a design, an idea or it guides our hands, our feet, to paint, to draw, to sculpt, to dance, to create a small portion of divinity.
To raise humanity out of the chaos and reach for the stars.
Lastly, if you don't care for my works of poetry and writing, I'm only going to feel half bad. I'll let the other 50% of the angst go to my "Genius".  :-)

Inspiration strikes twice - The Angel

Tonight I was inspired to write, not one, but two poems. This is the story that led to the 2nd poem.

Winter Swing