Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out Cold?

While I was wiring up the new internet service, I turned around to find my assistant had died of boredom.
The camera I had on hand was my iPhone. I was chatting with my California friend, Deanna, while doing the installationl, turned and told her to hold on, had to capture my nutty dog as proof a Whippet can be relaxed.
No drugs were used. No animals were harmed.

I love this dog! Everyday he makes me laugh! If I want Fyre and Abby to come in the house, I tell Perry to go get them. You'd have to see it with your own eyes! He's out like a flash, passes the word, then hurries them along. Who's the real herding dog here???
You can read his body language, "Hurry Guys, Mom says you can come in and hang out. Hurry! Hurry! Before she changes her mind or leaves for work!"


  1. Poor Whippet! If they have nothing to chase, boredom sets in very quickly! Hope all is well with you!

    Will talk soon,


  2. Patty (Perrys mommy)March 22, 2011 at 9:12 PM

    Im so happy Perry makes you smile. We love and miss him. I hope he continues to entertain and brighten your days!


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