Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lack of Comments leads to Choices

Received a 2nd email to inform me that someone wanted to leave a comment and ran into technical difficulties.
Puzzled, I decided to investigate the why of it.  Sure enough, there was the reason under "Settings, Comments".  
I have corrected the issue, and now my Readers....comment away!

While troubleshooting the "Comment Crisis", I made a discovery.  The choices available for a personal blog site's settings are extensive!

Which brings me to today's topic.....Choices. 

Here in the United States, the average human has the opportunity to make a multitude of choices on any given day. 
There are times I think I'll go mad during a particularly difficult decision-making process. 

Here's just a few examples of choices I made during one evening in my life.
The first choice, eat at home or go out. I select eating out, because I don't feel like cooking.
Of course, if I wanted to mimic Emeril, that act would require a trip to the grocery store, where I would be faced with another assortment of culinary choices. 

I may not have mentioned this before, but I find grocery shopping to be an overwhelming task.  It would be so much better if I could just make a list and send someone else to do the purchasing, and hence, simplify my life. Wahoo! 
But I digress....

I have made the choice to eat dinner out and am glad that I still have on my work clothes and tonight I can avoid making the decision of what to wear. 

Living in a small city provides a bevy of fast food restaurants, chain-style restaurants, and a few fine-dining establishments.  I query my taste buds with "What sounds tempting?" 
After much deliberation, I choose a chain restaurant. I have enjoyed their service and fare on prior occasions.
I choose city streets instead of the Interstate to travel to the west side of town. My reasoning is there's still some daylight left and I'm not in that big a hurry.  Being an inquisitive creature, I like to see if anything new has changed along the route since my last excursion in that direction.

I arrive at the restaurant in one piece, my nerves only slightly frayed by no less than three (3) close encounters with drivers intent on commiting vehicular (wo)manslaughter.  They were definitely not making good choices inside their "death-mobiles".

Settling into my table by a window, I just begin to relax when a darling young waiter brings me the "new and improved" menu and rattles off the specials for the evening and then asks what I would like to drink. Being a responsible adult and knowing that I will have to drive home, I settle for Iced Tea, although the thoughts of downing several "Chocolate Cake" shots does hold a euphoric appeal. But no, Iced Tea will have to do.

Besides the specials, the menu offers five (5) pages of savory sounding taste sensations with several photoshop-enhanced pictures on every glossy page.  My brain sounds the "overload" alarm and begins it's shut-down sequence.

I must choose rapidly and fallback to an item I have selected in the past, small Ceasar salad, a half-rack of Baby Back Ribs and Sweet Potato Fries.  I am not able to decide, so request Ranch and Honey Mustard dip for the fries.

Mental-note to self...the next time I venture out, I must at least make an effort to try something new.

Fortunately, I'm satisfied with the choice I made and spend the next 30 minutes relishing that decision.  As my plate begins to empty and my waistline expands to full capacity, the waiter again approaches my table to ask if I would like desert and whips open the Desert Menu.
Digitally altered pictures of Fudge Decadence, Cherries Jubilee, Lemon Merengue again assault my senses, but this time, my choice is easy.....a firm "No thank-you, I'm stuffed!"

Due to my tiredness, I head home after dinner, where I immediately shed the binding work attire and slip into more comfortable lounge wear (ie. - old sweats).  
Heading back downstairs, I stop by the kitchen to select a few dog biscuits (treats for the dogs, not for me), prior to the dogs and I retiring to the library.
Snap decision...I flip on the TV and my Netflix-capable Blu-Ray player,
instead of another fun-filled round of World of Warcraft,
and then settle into my leather recliner. 

This decision adds to additional choices.  I look at the dogs and ask, "What shall we watch tonight? "Must Love Dogs" or "Hotel for Dogs" or maybe a scary one like "101 Dalmations"?"
They are happy to put the burden on me and allow me to choose. Dogs have that perogative!
I pick the love story.

Suddenly I'm struck with a craving for one of my small addictions.

I decide I'd like a small coffee while we watch the movie. I've done this to myself...again there are choices. I have Chocolate Raspberry, Caramel Machiatto, Creme Brulee, or just plain with a little cream and sugar.

So there you have it, just a small sampling of my evening's choices and those are the easy ones.  

But at the end of the day, even though I complain about having so many choices in life, truth be told, I'm really glad to have them available to me. It keeps life from becoming dull.  

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